Made from the leaves of Camellia sinensis, black tea is more oxidized than many other teas. It's rich in antioxidants called polyphenols. In some countries like Great Britain, it is traditionally often had with sugar and cream (or milk). Darjeeling known as “The Champagne of Teas,” this highly-prized tea from the Darjeeling region of West Bengal, India, is known for its lightly fruity, muscatel flavor and floral aroma. Though classified as a black tea, most Darjeeling is actually less oxidized than typical blacks, and in many ways has more in common with Oolongs. Just as Champagne is indigenous to Champagne, France, Darjeeling cannot be grown anywhere else in the world. Barnesbeg Tea Garden is one of the most finest tea producer in Darjeeling. There are varities of Black tea manufactured here. With the certification of SGS(HACCP), IMO, Barnesbeg finest tea is achieving more value, more damand and more praises. Barnesbeg Tea Garden is 100% Bio-organic w.e.f. April, 2010.
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